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 The Law Firm of J.Thomson & Partners represented by Managing Partner Jhon Thomson was Invited to Speak in Coordination Meeting Regarding Construction Projects held by GTP Group The Law Firm of J.Thomson & Partners represented by Managing Partner Jhon Thomson was Invited to Speak in Coordination Meeting Regarding Construction Projects held by GTP Group


The Law Firm of J.Thomson & Partners represented by Managing Partner Jhon Thomson was Invited to Speak in Coordination Meeting Regarding Construction Projects held by GTP Group

The Law Firm of J.Thomson & Partners represented by Managing Partner Jhon Thomson was Invited to Speak in Coordination Meeting Regarding Construction Projects held by GTP Group

As investments in Indonesia experience significant growth over the years, law firms in Indonesia must be able to participate in enhancing the economic growth, by providing robust and timely legal assistance to every legal needs. This includes giving and sharing the related legal aspects of the investment project to every people according to their 'role' in relation to the investment project they are in, namely in construction projects.

Mr. Jhon Thomson deliver a presentation regarding the law of contract and its implementation in regards to the construction law prevailing in the Republic of Indonesia, as the Law Firm of J.Thomson & Partners was invited to speak on GTP Group's coordination meeting, held in Cikande, Tangerang (01/10/2020).

Mr. Jhon Thomson shared with the audience regarding the needs of law compliance to be done in every aspects of the company's work, from the very beginning of a construction project until its completion.
News The Law Firm of J.Thomson & Partners represented by Managing Partner Jhon Thomson was Invited to Speak in Coordination Meeting Regarding Construction Projects held by GTP Group

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